One more caste is born out in our society, caste of 'so called' contract people. Today, at every workplace (both at public and private) we have this new force of contract workers. And each day this force is getting bigger and bigger, and engulfing more number of people into its category. Now, there are castes within this new system of caste and these castes arises because of the difference of the background of the people coming to this new caste system. But for now I would like to comment only on the new caste system of contract workers. These 'so called' contract workers caste started taking new shape mainly after 1991 when India adopted policies of liberalization. Labour laws were loosen up after 1991 and government started declining its role in framing labour policies and in these twenty years one anti labour environment has been created. Now in this new working environment contract workers are suffering at the most. There has been decline in the social, physical and mental growth of the contract workers. This whole contract system can also be compared with the slavery system where people have no rights. Same thing is happening with these workers except that in slavery system workers are harassed through one authority but in the current system workers are harassed by different authorities.
This new caste of contract workers suffers not only at the hands of authorities but also at the hands of society. By creating this whole contract system employers have been very successful in dividing the unity of workers. Very smartly they have segregated permanent workers from the contract workers. Whole caste of contract workers is delved into wall of poverty by our government by not providing labour rights. Contract worker of a particular caste has got a lower place in his caste.


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